Proverbs 29:22
“A man of wrath stirs up strife, and one given to anger causes much transgression.”
It is a core principle of human behavior: Where your mind goes, you go. This verse, along with several others in the book of Proverbs, warns against anger. Where mismanaged emotion is high, clarity is low.
There is much trouble in the world caused by impulsive, thoughtless anger. We are seeing it on full display throughout our nation. When anger elevates, wisdom evaporates.
Wise people are emotionally disciplined; foolish people are emotionally impulsive and reckless. Fools respond to an attack by attacking back, which only makes things worse. The wise are cool-headed and patient, and they are often able to calm down an argument and work toward resolution.
Anger is blinding and destructive, which makes angry people foolish and dangerous. Their rage causes them to attack and fight. Angry people are agitators who provoke conflict, whereas wise people seek to de-escalate conflict and seek solutions.
“A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.” (Proverbs 15.18)
When we teach E+R=O and the Press Pause discipline, we emphasize that “Clarity is power. Lack of clarity is weakness and puts you at risk.” There is power in the pause because it stops autopilot thinking, slows down emotional impulse, and focuses on getting clarity. Clarity of vision determines quality of response.
“Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” (Proverbs 19.11)
Wise people understand that your first reaction is often not your best response. Most of the time it is better to wait, observe, and gain better understanding. Life is full of moments of impulse. Therefore, it is necessary to press pause and convert those impulses into moments of intention and purpose.
This is especially true in a heated conversation or confrontation. If you do not press pause and gain clarity through a simple system like E+R=O, there is a very good chance that you will react impetuously, and reckless words will escalate the emotion of the situation. It is not likely to end well.
Trust God. Press pause, pray, gain clarity and respond with discipline.