Proverbs 17.4
“An evildoer listens to wicked lips, and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue.”
Foolish people do not listen to truth-tellers. They listen to the deceivers and manipulators. This is especially true of evil people and liars who seek out and consume deceitful ideas and destructive philosophies.
The proliferation of content-delivering technology in our time has produced a world awash in a flood of ideas and images. Modern media platforms make virtually any message available to anyone, any place, any time, on any device. Therefore, you must be discerning and disciplined about what you read, listen to, and watch.
Note that Proverbs 17.4 says a liar listens to the “mischievous” message. A liar does not seek the truth. He does not do the diligent work required to evaluate what is being promoted through media platforms. Instead, the liar seeks validation for the message or agenda he supports or is promoting. He seeks confirmation for his agenda; truth is irrelevant.
We must be very careful what we allow into our hearts and minds. There are deceitful, dangerous messages being promoted today. There are many people and groups who proclaim, publish, and post with “wicked lips” and a “mischievous tongue.” Their goal is to persuade you to believe things that aren’t true, with the ultimate objective of gaining more and more power.
As I am sure you have noticed, discussions are often shallow, polarized, and plagued with misinformation. In truth, our society is losing the ability to respectfully discuss and debate the critical issues. Some even refuse to engage in civil discourse, arrogantly believing that the only ideas worth discussing are their own ideas. This trend is as dangerous as it is disturbing.
This happens in the “secular” world, and it happens in the church world. In the book of 2 Timothy, the apostle Paul gives this warning to the followers of Jesus: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded …” (2 Timothy 4.3-5)
People today are constantly being stimulated at the level of their emotions. As a result, their feelings are over-stimulated and their thinking is under-developed. Many people know how they “feel” about something, but they don’t know how to think about it. When confronted with information and facts that are different from how they feel, they default to their feelings.
Do not be deceived. Politicians, pundits, misleading preachers, and product-promoting marketers are fully aware of this psychological phenomenon, and they take full advantage of it. Do the work to protect yourself and your family. Be discerning and disciplined about the content you consume.
Who do you listen to? Who are the counselors, advisors, and influencers in your life? What sources do you use for news and information? What sources do you go to for doctrine and spiritual truth? What reference points do you use for what ideas and images you allow into your life?
Engage in respectful debate. Explore and discuss the critical issues of our time. But beware those who speak with wicked lips and a mischievous tongue.